Swiss lawyer and ex-MP Zanetti in an interview: This is how the Corona investigation continues

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Claudio Zanetti is a lawyer, former member of the Swiss National Council and employee of the ZAAVV, which filed around 600 criminal complaints against those responsible for compulsory vaccination in Karlsruhe on December 10th. In an interview with Dr. He lets Christine Born reflect on this memorable day and also gives insights into how he believes the process of dealing with Corona policy will continue. He warns: Germany would be well advised to take the criminal charges seriously and conduct this dispute conscientiously. The next stage would be the International Criminal Court in The Hague - in collaboration with other states where the investigation is also being pushed forward.

Advancing the reappraisal of corona policy

Interview with Claudio Zanetti, lawyer and former member of the Swiss National Council 1

by Dr. Christine Born

Mr. Zanetti, you work at ZAAVV, the center for the processing, investigation, legal prosecution and prevention of crimes against humanity due to the Corona measures 2 . A cumbersome title. What is behind it and what exactly are you doing?

I am the managing director of the “Werkstatt”, which is based in Switzerland and is a sub-organization of the ZAAVV and is responsible for organizational issues. We are, so to speak, the executive branch of the center, which consists of several units (workshop, Habeas Corpus association, support association). These units are distributed decentrally across various – initially German-speaking – countries. The organization is financed through donations and membership fees. A foundation will soon be added that will monitor compliance with our rules.

Our goal: coming to terms with Corona policy. Human rights and individual freedom are at the top of our agenda. We archive and document the human rights violations from the Corona period. And the “crimes against humanity” that took place as part of the Corona measures will be clarified. In addition, those responsible should be held legally responsible for their unlawful actions. We want to prevent the totalitarian and inhumane practices that we have all experienced in recent years from repeating themselves. The ZAAVV also supports public debates and makes its archive available for education and research.

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Democrats from all political camps came together

The ZAAVV organized a large demonstration in Karlsruhe on December 10, 2023, the day on which human rights celebrated its 75th anniversary. Were you there?

Yes. With the demonstration we wanted to advance the criminal prosecution of the inhumane and unlawful corona measures and in particular to question the facility-related vaccination requirement. Around 6,000 Democrats gathered at the “Human Rights Square” for the subsequent parade. Attorney Ralf Ludwig, co-founder of the ZAAVV, submitted around 600 criminal complaints against those responsible from politics and the judiciary to the Federal Prosecutor General with a click of a mouse on the event stage. 3 A number of participants also threw postcards into the mailbox of the Federal Court of Justice to support the criminal charges.

Old and young were there, people from the peace movement, from the left spectrum, a colorful group. There were convincing speeches, there was music and many meaningful posters. The whole thing took place, as it should, without violence. The national anthem was also sung together. As a Swiss, I particularly liked that you stand by your country. It was a great event. It exceeded anything I have ever experienced at events of this kind. We were pleased with the balanced reporting in SWR. 4 So such a thing is possible... t-online was also present at the subsequent press conference. 5 The mainstream is slowly beginning to open up to our humanistic concerns.

Signal to politicians: “You are not allowed to play with human lives”

Why were the criminal charges filed? What is this supposed to achieve?

We refer to Article 1 of the Basic Law (GG): “Human dignity is inviolable. Respecting and protecting them is the obligation of all state authorities.” You cannot impose a facility-specific vaccination requirement 6 issued if one knows that the vaccination has side effects or can even lead to death. You shouldn't weigh human lives against each other. For a thousand human lives I sacrifice ten, that's not possible. 7 There is no such thing as an unworthy life and the government and parliament are categorically prohibited from crossing this red line.

We say to politicians and legal officials: You are forcing people to do something they don't want to do. You can't play with human lives. And you can't say that with Corona, Article 1 of the Basic Law no longer applies, that was a state of emergency. Compulsory vaccination represents an interference with the highly personal rights of every single person and is therefore inadmissible. Mandatory vaccination risks the death of innocent people, which is a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 8th and represents Section 7 of the International Criminal Code. 9

Next stage: International Criminal Court

What will the reaction be? What have you been thinking about?

Those responsible now have to look at the criminal charges and are confronted with the legal and social implications of their actions. Germany would be well advised to conduct this dispute seriously and conscientiously. If those responsible laugh at us, then they show the value they attach to the Basic Law. This is now the acid test. Now it's time to show your colors. Otherwise we are exposed to arbitrary rule. If there is no response to our advertisements here in Germany, if they are rejected or not taken into account, we will have to contact the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Here we can then cooperate with other states that are also working on the topic.

How do you look to the future?

There are already hopeful signs of recovery in Texas 10 and Italy 11 . There are many of us who want to prevent damage and reopen the space for discussion. Opposing positions are needed, not bans on thinking. National interests are not indecent. We need freedom again. In any case, the ZAAVV will not run out of work. What more could a state wish for than such committed citizens?

More from the web
  1. Claudio Zanetti
  2. Find out more about our work here (
  3. Large demo Karlsruhe KA1012 (
  4. Around 6,000 participants in the “lateral thinker” demo in Karlsruhe – SWR Aktuell
  5. Live from the press conference “Joint filing of criminal charges” in Karlsruhe (
  6. German Bundestag – roll-call votes
  7. Can the state weigh human lives against each other? – THE AXIS OF GOOD. ACHGUT.COM
  8. Universal Declaration of Human Rights – United Nations – Regional Information Center for Western Europe (
  9. § 7 VStGB – Crimes against humanity –
  10. Vaccination fraud: Texas sues Pfizer (
  11. Vaccine damage: Italy's Corona health minister in the sights of the judiciary (

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